We have been working with Crosta & Mollica for the past couple of years, helping to expand their range of products from Italian bakery into other categories such as chilled pizzas, frozen patisserie and on the go snacking.

The Crosta & Mollica brand is well known for providing quality driven and authentic Italian bakery products such as breadsticks and wraps, but wanted to go further and provide even more delicious Italian products to new audiences. With there brand already in place and recognised for its bold stripes and large ampersand logo, we built upon these core assets and developed the brand and packaging system across new packaging ranges and formats. Introducing delicious looking product or ingredient photography where necessary to entice consumers to try something new from the brand, while always coming back to their strong ‘Made In Italy’ credentials.

We we’re also briefed to update their seasonal Christmas range of Italian sweet treats, such as their range of Panettone, traditional Italian sponge cakes in various flavours. For this we developed a fun yet premium looking design that combined the spirit of Christmas with the quality of their product and bold look of the Crosta & Mollica brand.

We have been working with Crosta & Mollica and their various sister brands for numerous years now and look forward to working with them further as we look to explore where the brand can go in future years.